TALA Blog2021-04-23T11:01:22-05:00

Recap: 2023 TALA Conference and Trade Show, Lights, Camera, Assisted Living

The #2023talaconfandtradeshow began with a packed day of engaging nursing track sessions and a leadership intensive presented by Jonathan Fanning. In the evening, industry partners, provider members, board members, and speakers mingled at the board reception where memories were captured at the photo-booth, hors d’oeuvres and drinks were enjoyed, and a celebrity look-a-like, The Queen of Tejano herself- Selena made an appearance! Day 2 kicked off with coffee and kolaches followed by a record-breaking attendance at the Opening Keynote: “Building Emotional Intelligence,” presented, again, by the always-popular Jonathan Fanning. It [...]

By |May 1st, 2023|Events, News|

Apprenticeship Opportunities through Texas Workforce Development Boards

Did you know? Texas offers apprenticeship opportunities available through local Workforce Development Boards. A Workforce Development Board is comprised of locals appointed by elected officials, such as Mayors and County Judges. The Board is responsible for the workforce programs and services in their area. In Texas, 28 local Boards operate over 180 Local Workforce Solutions Offices. These opportunities can help pay for education costs, transportation, and in some cases, even childcare for upskill programs, such as those for CNAs and CMAs. Because of recent policy changes, Assisted Living communities can [...]

By |February 3rd, 2023|News|

Why Do Caregivers Go: KARE Survey Results from over 1,000 Caregivers

In Q4 2022, KARE conducted a survey where 1,300 caregivers nationwide participated, along with select community managers. The survey investigated what motivates caregivers to quit.   Answers were rated on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the top factor and 1 being least factor that contributed to wanting to leave an Employer.   Caregiver responses identified low pay at 8.09 as the top reason for wanting to leave an employer followed by disrespect from management at 7.38. Third reason was poor culture at 6.87. The survey asked community management [...]

By |January 20th, 2023|News|

What’s at Stake for Assisted Living in the 2023 Texas Legislative Session

At noon Tuesday, January 10, the 88th Texas Legislative Session will officially begin. New state representatives and state senators will gather for a swearing in; the halls of the Texas Capitol will be bustling and TALA VP of Public Policy Carmen Tilton will be there live and in-person – you can see live Twitter updates from Carmen here.   According to the Texas Constitution, each legislative session lasts exactly 140 days and occurs every other year. Legislators have until May 29th to pass a two-year budget and any policy items. [...]

By |January 10th, 2023|News|

COVID-19 Healthcare Relief Grants (ARPA Grants)

Grants are here – announcements started coming out last Friday regarding the status of applications for the COVID-19 Healthcare Relief Grants (ARPA grants).   Recipients who no longer wish to receive the funds need to email [email protected] by December 20, 2022, 5:00PM to have their application withdrawn. Providers who would like to accept their grant awards should wait for a follow-up email from the Health and Human Services Commission.   If you applied for the Grant Program and you have not yet heard anything (neither an award notification nor an [...]

By |December 19th, 2022|News|

Managing Reviews to Create a Strong Online Presence

Do you research reviews before eating at a restaurant? Do you check multiple review sites when purchasing a product, especially if it has a large price tag? Consumers use online reviews and online review sites to research and make informed purchasing decisions. From restaurants to gadgets and more, online reviews are part of the purchasing process. Most smart businesses have already been creating and running programs that encourage consumers to leave reviews on popular sites relevant for the business and industry. Regardless of your industry, if you run a business, [...]

By |December 6th, 2022|News|

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