In July and August of 2024, TALA’s Workforce Development Committee conducted a survey distributed to TALAView subscribers. One hundred and three (103) individuals responded to the survey to share their stories. Below is a summary of what respondents expressed on “WHY” they choose a career in senior living.

When asked,How did you hear about jobs in Senior Living? “respondents were most referred by family or a friend, followed by an online job ad, then a loved one in senior living. The results show the value in internal referral opportunities, along with online job postings.

How did you hear about jobs in Senior Living?”

28%                   Family/ Friend

18.4%                Online Job Ad

15.5%                Loved One In Senior Living

10.7%                Employee Referral

The survey went further to ask, Do you have a goal to advance your Career in Senior Living?” Majority of respondents indicated YES at 78.6% with 15.5% noting they are happy with their current role.

Diving deeper into the question on career goals, respondents shared the TOP 3 Career Goals and the TOP 3 Barriers to reaching those goals as follows:

TOP 3 Career Goals!                                                           TOP 3 Barriers to reach Career Goals

45.3%   Gain New Certification/ License                                 36%      Lack of Opportunity

43%      Develop my skills in my current role                          19%      Limited Finances

40%      Become a Trainer or Educator                                     18%      Lack of training/ education

Overall, the vast majority of respondents at 93.2% would recommend someone else to seek a career working in senior living. This is an excellent opportunity for organizations to leverage the positive energy and internal recruitment opportunities within its own workforce.

Several responses to questions were in narrative form. We took a collection of responses and sorted them by role to summarize the top responses to questions such as: “Why would you recommend someone to work in senior living” and “Why do you choose to stay?”

The responses were awe inspiring and provide positive motivation for the industry.

See below most common responses sorted by roles.

  • Executive Director/Administrator (38%):
    • Enjoy the challenge of managing and overseeing all aspects of the community.
    • Feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for the well-being of the residents and staff.
    • Appreciate the opportunity to positively impact the lives of seniors.
  • Corporate Leadership (17%):
    • Drawn to the opportunity to shape the future of senior living and make a difference on a larger scale.
    • Excited by the growth potential and innovation within the industry.
    • Value the chance to mentor and develop others in their senior living careers.
  • Health & Wellness/Resident Director (14%):
    • Passionate about providing quality care and support to seniors.
    • Find fulfillment in helping residents maintain their independence and dignity.
    • Enjoy the close relationships they develop with residents and their families.
  • Direct Care/Caregiver (11%):
    • Motivated by a desire to make a difference in seniors' daily lives.
    • Find joy in providing hands-on care and companionship.
    • Appreciate the opportunity to learn and build relationships with residents.
  • Sales Director (8%):
    • Thrive on the challenge of building relationships and helping families find the right senior living solution.
    • Enjoy being part of a growing industry with high demand.
    • Appreciate the opportunity to educate and advocate for seniors and their families.

Across all roles, the most frequent responses highlighted the following themes:

  • Making a Difference: Many respondents expressed a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment in helping seniors and making a positive impact on their lives.
  • Relationships: Building strong relationships with residents, families, and colleagues was a common source of satisfaction.
  • Growth and Development: The opportunity for personal and professional growth within the senior living industry was highly valued.

What can we glean from these responses? How can organizations promote these messages and testimonials from within their organizations to benefit recruiting efforts? Our take at TALA is to take a step back and start with your own staff. We may be surprised to find the answers are right in front of us.

If you would like more information on this survey or other efforts TALA’s Workforce Committee is actively working on, reach out to Rose Saenz, Workforce Development Advisor for TALA at [email protected].



Written by: Rose Saenz, TALA’s Workforce Development Advisor