Senior Living providers share insights on changes to recruiting that work and are here to stay.

  • Over the past year, operators have been sharing changes to traditional recruiting efforts that have had a positive impact on their recruiting and retention efforts. Below is a brief summary of some top Recruiting Tips that Assisted Living providers say are here to stay.
    • Recruiting is managed just like the sales process.
      • Hold weekly recruiting meetings among hiring managers to review candidate traffic metrics, hiring, offers, and more. Review hiring expectations and goals.
      • Expectations are set for quick response times to candidates, just like in sales, improved the candidate engagement chances.
      • Celebrate conversion ratios from candidate inquiry to hire to start date!
    • Set days for open interviews. Setting one day a week and hosting mini job fairs with beverages and snacks welcoming in candidates for open interviews allows for more to choose from, whether hiring or not! Builds up the candidate pool to then choose top talent vs. desperate for talent.
    • Build a rapport with local schools, community colleges and placement offices sharing career opportunities in Senior Living. More and more students have been exposed to senior living through grandparents and other loved ones opening up consideration to work in the industry.
    • Closing the back door on your current talent. Organizations are focusing on team members they currently have with frequent touch bases, flexible schedules and getting ahead of the risk of leaving to a competitor. Others are surveying team members often, taking feedback and doing something meaningful with it that matters to the team.
    • Finally, what is it like to apply with your organization? Today’s pace is fast. Candidates can apply at the local fast food chain with a few clicks on their phone and are done. Test your process and see what barriers you may have up. Be sure you can text candidates or have a means to engage quickly.

There are many more excellent examples of recruiting successes. These are a few excellent example of recruiting successes that can be easily and quickly checked in your organization and help recruiting and retention going in the direction you prefer.




