TALA Annual Conference Virtual Version
We invite you to earn CEUs virtually. We are bringing our conference content to you virtually for a short time. This course will be self-paced video modules. After registration you will receive access to the modules.
As an attendee you may choose which and how many sessions you would like to complete. Access to these modules will be live until November 30th at midnight. CEU certificates will be emailed out the first week of December. You will have the option to choose the nurses track or the managers track.
Due to videography, we will not be offering breakout sessions, rather a variety of dementia, marketing and leadership sessions for our manager’s version.
Virtual Conference Nurses Track
15 CEUs
Virtual Conference Managers Track
13 CEUs
Nursing Session Descriptions:
Nursing: Hollie Glover: “Ambiguous Grief”
Ambiguous grief (AG) is a different kind of grief than you may be familiar with. It is the feeling experienced from the loss of a loved one who is still living, This session will touch on how the Pandemic made us experience ambiguous grief.
Nursing: Jaime Cobb- “Innovations in Dementia Education”
Dementia Innovations’ mission is to embrace those living with dementia through its core pillars: Education, Community Collaboration and Dignity of Risk Lifestyle Education Dementia Innovations is committed to sustainable education solutions to better support multiple disciplines that strive to improve the care of those with dementia.
Nursing: Gail Snider – “Virtual Activities Programs”
This session will showcase Dementia Friendly Fort Worth’s virtual activity program, “Activities for People Living with Dementia” and emphasize how these live and pre-recorded programs can be used in the residential care setting to provide activities around the clock. Session will also provide insight into how these types of programs can help to combat social isolation, depression, and an overall decline in cognitive function. Special attention will be given to the positive impact on persons living with dementia and their care partners. Session will include discussion on the role that collaborations and partnerships played in the development of these programs.
Nursing: Hollie Glover – “Depression vs. Dementia: Differentiate Before You Label”
A session on the difference between Depression and Dementia and how Depression can lead to Dementia.
Nursing: Linda Abel – “Ensuring a Human Rights Approach to Persons Living with Dementia”
This talk looks at the broader emphasis on advocacy, legislation, and care as it is now being emphasized as part of the UN Declaration on the Rights of the Disabled.
Nursing: Constanza Pierre – “Infection Control in the Post – COVID-19 Era”
How we have changed our processes and procedures Post-Covid in infection control.
Nursing: Misty Miller- “Disaster Preparedness Concerns for Nurses”
What Nurses are still facing in light of the disaster preparedness of COVID, and other disasters which we may face.
Panel: Gwen Wilburn, Misty Miller, Rose Saenz – Infection Control and Disaster Preparedness.
Panel discussion of what we learned Post-Covid in both infection control and disaster preparedness.
Nursing and Manager’s Sessions
Keynote Address: Dave Davlin - “The Game Winning 3” Making it Count…In Business and Life
Success can be defined in its simplest form as making life better for someone else. Whether it comes in creating a better product, helping to relieve someone’s stress or pain, bringing someone laughter or joy or helping someone get more out of their life, success is always about serving.
This being the case, the key to success in any business lies not only in the development of great products and services, but more importantly in the development of great people. In this insightful presentation, Dave Davlin shares three essential ingredients for developing a purpose-driven mentality to achieve a fulfilling career and balanced life.
This presentation is an hour of interaction, humor and audience participation mixed with a powerful message. It is a roller coaster ride of emotion that will find the audience engaged in hilarious laughter one moment and brought to tears the next. The audience will be challenged to make the most of every moment in order to develop themselves personally and professionally while creating value and making a difference in the lives of others.
Nursing & Plenary Session: Carmen Tilton and Jaime Capelo - “Public Policy Update”
Carmen and Jaime will cover the actions and results of the 87th Texas Legislative Session, the impact of new legislation on Assisted Living communities, and what’s next.
Nursing & Dementia: Jaime Cobb - “Communication Strategies Across the Stages of Dementia”
This program will discuss the common changes in communication that occur for persons with dementia as the disease progress through the stages and best communication strategies that focus on individuals’ abilities, prolonging dignity and enhancing quality of life.
Nursing & Plenary Session: Linda Abel - “Health Maintenance Activities”
Nursing & Plenary Session: Michael Crowe – “Resident Agreement Terminations, Discharges, and Evictions”
One of the most unpleasant duties of an Assisted Living community is to terminate a resident’s agreement and to discharge the resident. Unfortunately, this action always comes at a time of acute stress in the relationship between the community, the resident, and, typically, the family. It is also, in most cases, a matter of extreme urgency. Compounding the already present anxiety are the legal nuts and bolt of how this can be accomplished. This session will attempt to relieve some of the stress by walking through those legal nuts and bolts and will try to demystify the termination and discharge process. We will walk through the regulatory issues that govern agreement terminations and discharges in Texas as well as the eviction process set forth in Texas law. We will also review some of the more common termination provisions in Assisted Living residency agreements. Hypothetical situations will be explored, presenting an opportunity for audience participation. Through this process, we will review some of the best practices for handling these situations.
Nursing & Dementia: Hollie Glover – “The Heartbreak & Cost of Isolation: Strategies for Coping”
In December of 2020, the CDC reported that among US adults surveyed more than 40% said they had at least one mental health event in 2020. 11% of those interviewed said they had seriously considered suicide in 2020. The majority of those interviewed were over the age of 65. Approximately 31% of all suicides were health care workers last year. We are all in a state of “collective grief” from the past year’s events. We will talk seriously about the cost of the pandemic and how isolation has affected all of us. Practical advice to help us change our thought process and perceptions will be detailed.
We all watched it happen within our walls. How many of our resident’s and staff’s deaths were due to the virus and how many of them were Covid related due to loneliness and isolation? How many of our resident’s family members did we lose to a broken heart? Why were there more than 26,000 additional dementia deaths last year than in 2019? We will look at the latest statistics concerning residents, family care partners, and professional health care workers. We will discuss ways to equip our resident’s families as they work their way through the grief and loss of isolation.
Now, more than ever, we must practice emotional hygiene, but you cannot treat a wound you do not know you have. Many of us in healthcare have been working on autopilot for over a year now. Let’s discuss 5 real solutions and learn doable self-care and coping skills.
Nursing & Dementia: Chastiti Horne – “Dancing, Digging, and Dementia: Programming Activities to Make Every Day Count”
This presentation will examine the everyday challenges that arise in programming for dementia residents, particularly during isolation. I will examine the prevalence of repetitive programs that are failing to stimulate the brain and, instead, locking our residents deeper into the dementia abyss.
My presentation will promote going beyond the normal and easy routes for programming. The presentation will walk you through unique activities to stimulate and motivate our most vulnerable population in the long-term care industry. Focusing on the individual, the resources and a great deal of creativity, the audience will have the tools to implement inspirational activities that both the residents and their families will enjoy. During the presentation, videos and photos of imaginative programs will be shared. Audience participation will assist in bringing home the importance of thoughtful programming for our ALF communities. The goal is to implement programs that will be a benefit and not a burden on the resident or on the facility staff. Making every day count, as the objective, ensures that the activity or activities will arouse and exercise the brain providing relief and enjoyment.
Manager’s Sessions
Marketing: Chastiti Horne – “Social Media Marketing and Staying within the Legal Boundaries”
Social Media Ethics will give guidelines for using social media as part of your marketing and communications strategy, while ensuring appropriate use to prevent and mitigate facility-damaging postings.
Leadership: Chantelle Julian – “Leadership: Are you IN?”
This session on Leadership is designed to encourage those of us who are in a position of authority to understand the significance of our leadership style and how that impacts those we are engaged to serve through leadership. This session will focus on providing leadership with Integrity, Inspiration, and Investment; and the keys of Introducing Process and Investigating the Outcome of Specific Project Leadership.
Panel: Greg Roderick, Shawn Corzine, Barbara Dickens - “Finding the Gems”
Discussion on the bright side of such a challenging year.
Leadership: Stephen Popovich – “New Technology and How it Helps Increase Revenue, Lower Costs and Mitigate Risk”
Technology has not served Assisted Living facilities well in the past, it has been hard to separate the useful tech from the difficult. However, the pandemic has elevated the need for technology in Assisted Living facilities and much has changed in today’s technology. This session will explore the latest technological innovations, and how they can be applied to be useful and promote user adoption amongst staff, residents, and families. Special emphasis will be placed on how useful technology can inform and provide actionable information that can increase revenue, lower costs and mitigate risks.
Plenary Session: Paul Williams – “Argentum Update”
Argentum will give a update on Global issues, and where the Senior Living Industry is headed as a whole.
Plenary Session: Closing Keynote Dr. Michael Krol – Lessons Learned During COVID-19 and How they Help Prepare us for the Future.
Dr. Michael Krol, Medical Director of one of Texas's first COVID-19 isolation nursing facilities and Deputy of the Austin Public Health Nursing Home Task Force, reflects on lessons learned during the pandemic. Dr. Krol’s first-hand experiences on the front lines of fighting this virus inform his analysis of the challenges in responding to COVID-19 in long-term care settings, his assessment of the need to educate the public and broader healthcare system on the unique nature and capabilities of Assisted Living facilities, and his recommendations for how we all can better prepare for future outbreaks.

Keynote Session Sponsored by:

Closing Keynote Session Sponsored by:

Carmen Tilton
Carmen Tilton, VP of Public Policy, oversees legislative and regulatory affairs. She represents TALA with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission and is a leading voice at the Texas Capitol. She joined TALA in February 2020 after two years as a Senior Executive Policy Advisor for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission and five years as a Senior Policy Analyst for several members in the Texas Legislature.
She has an extensive background in both the legislative and rulemaking processes with a focus on long-term care and behavioral health policies and programs. Carmen received her Master’s in Global Policy Studies from the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin. She is a sixth generation Texan, a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, and a native of Terlingua, TX.
Topic: “Public Policy Update”

Chantelle Julian
Chantelle Julian is a Director of Operations for LTCM, Loree Tamayo Consulting and Management. Chantelle has worked with LTCM for over 9 years. She received her Bachelor of Arts Degree from Baylor University, as a Social Work Major. Chantelle has worked in the Long-Term Care Industry for over 24 years and has been involved in management of Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing Facilities in Oklahoma, Arizona, and Texas.
She has also managed Adult Day Health Services and Case Management Services for Senior Adults in Oklahoma. Chantelle’s background has provided her with leadership roles for the provision of senior care services in both For-Profit and Non-Profit settings. Chantelle is married to Scott and has enjoyed following him around the country, living and working in several states, while supporting his career as an educator and State/Federal Prosecutor.
Topic: “Leadership: Are you IN?”

Chastiti Horne
Chastiti Horne is the managing partner of Horne Rota Moos, LLP whose primary practice is healthcare defense (with a specialty in Assisted Living/nursing home defense). Chastiti acts as panel counsel for several national leading NH/ALF companies and also is counsel for several large hospitals and healthcare staffing companies. She continuously provides risk management seminars and boot camps for her represented clients.
Chastiti was named as one of Houston’s 50 Most Influential Women of 2017. She was previously featured in Time Magazine’s “Salute to Women in Leadership” (2008) and was awarded the 2012 Harris County Bench Bar Pro Bono Award for an Individual for her work with Child Advocates. She also received the 2001 Harris County Adult Volunteer of the Year award and has been named to the Texas Super Lawyer list by Texas Monthly 2012 - 2019, as well as, Texas Rising Star-Super Lawyer 2007 through 2011. Chastiti was named “Litigator of the Week” by Texas Lawyer Magazine in February 2014. She was also named a 2014 Woman on the Move by Texas Executive Women and chosen as the 2016 South Texas College of Law Alumni Public Service award recipient. She was named as one of America’s Top 100 Civil Defense Litigators – Southeast Texas 2019.
Topics: “Social Media Marketing and Staying within the Legal Boundaries” and “Dancing, Digging, and Dementia: Programming Activities to Make Every Day Count”

Constanza Pierre
Constanza Pierre RN, MSN, MBA-HCM, CDP, CDADT has been a registered nurse for over 20yr. She is currently the Texas Regional Healthcare Director at Legend Senior Living. She received her undergraduate degree in nursing from University Maryland at Baltimore and her dual master’s degrees with a focus on healthcare management from University Maryland at Baltimore and University of Phoenix. She is currently a student at Harvard Medical School in the Global Healthcare Leadership Executive Program.
For almost 4yrs now, she has been the Texas Regional Healthcare Director at Legend Senior Living. Prior experience includes Director of Nursing at several Assisted Livings and rehabs. She has spent most of her career in hospital settings including Trauma ICU, Neuro ICU, Cardiovascular ICU, Oncology, ER, Pediatrics, Orthopedic, Geriatric Psych with a focus on Alzheimer’s , Cognitive impairments and other Dementia therapies and prevention. She is an active member, volunteer, mentor and preceptor of several organizations including Sigma Theta Tau, American Nurses Association, Red Cross, Chamberlin University, and TALA.
She enjoys international travel, gardening and spending time with her family.
Topic: “Infection Control in the Post – COVID-19 Era”

Gail Snider
Gail Snider currently serves as Executive Director for Dementia Friendly Fort Worth and was instrumental in launching this initiative which is now reaching beyond the borders of Tarrant County. Gail is committed to helping families and the community navigate age-related decisions. Having walked a 12-year journey with her Mother-in-law and dementia, she has helpful insight into issues and services families desperately need and works diligently to help persons living with dementia and their care partners have better quality of life within the community.
Having a passion to help the community understand dementia and understanding that it is difficult for everyone to be experts as a Certified Dementia Live® Coach and Certified Dementia Care Practitioner she strives to be a resource and educator for families, health care professionals and the general public. Additionally, serving as the co-chair for the Tarrant Area Gerontological Society (TAGS) Faith Based Bridge has given Gail a unique connection with faith-based communities in Tarrant County.
Topic: “Virtual Activities Programs”

Hollie Glover
Hollie Glover, is a Licensed Professional Counselor, who currently works for the James L. West Center for Dementia Care in Fort Worth. She is the Director of Education and Family Support Services. She facilitates the center's family support groups and is involved in many of the numerous education services provided by the center.
Hollie is a Dementia Care Specialist and Certified Grief Counseling Specialist that has over twenty-eight years of experience in education and working with people of all ages. She has degrees from Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Sam Houston State University, and Dallas Baptist University. She also attended Southwestern Theological Seminary to obtain hours in theology.
Hollie has been recognized as a national and statewide speaker on topics such as Dementia, Hospice, and Professional and Caregiver Stress. One of the highlights of her career includes getting to meet and speak before First Lady Rosalynn Carter and Senator Elizabeth Dole. She has also written a therapy to be used with patients at the end of life, that focuses on the individual needs of the person and their family.
Her passion is educating the public and helping families who have a loved one diagnosed with dementia.
Hollie is married and has one daughter who is following in her footsteps. Joanna graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington in August of 2020 with her Master’s degree in Social Work, specializing in hospice care.
Topics: “Ambiguous Grief”, “Depression vs. Dementia: Differentiate Before You Label”, and “The Heartbreak & Cost of Isolation: Strategies for Coping”

Jaime Capelo
Jaime Capelo is the legislative consultant for the Texas Assisted Living Association. Mr. Capelo has been actively lobbying the Texas Legislature and regulatory agencies for over 13 years, advocating for his clients directly with the Governor, Lt. Governor, the Texas Senate, the Texas House of Representatives, numerous state and federal agencies, and even the U.S. Senate and Congress. Prior to initiating his legislative consulting practice, Mr. Capelo was elected and served 4 terms in the Texas House of Representatives from the Corpus Christi area. In the Texas House, he served on the House Public Health Committee and was ultimately appointed Chairman of the Public Health Committee.
After graduating salutatorian from Roy Miller High School, Mr. Capelo earned his J.D. from The University of Texas School of Law and his B.A. in history from Yale University.
Topic: “Public Policy Update”

Jaime Cobb
Jaime Cobb, certified Alzheimer’s Educator, is the Vice President of Dementia & Caregiver Education at James L. West Center for Dementia Care. Since Jaime has been at the West Center, she has developed and implemented a variety of innovative programs that focus on enhancing the quality of life for families living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias that have become an integral service to the community. Jaime is a Certified Independent Positive Approach to Care™ Trainer and Consultant, and a Master Trainer for Dementia Live®, Compassionate Touch™ programs, Dealing with Dementia, and the Stress-Busting Program for Family Caregivers™.
In addition to her work at the West Center, Jaime serves on the board of Care & Prepare, an organization dedicated to bringing advance care planning to all people.
Topic: “Communication Strategies Across the Stages of Dementia”

Linda Abel
Linda serves as President of Dementia Friendly Fort Worth (DFFW) where she helps lead the effort to make Fort Worth and all of Tarrant County a kinder and more compassionate community for persons living with dementia and their care partners, in other words Dementia-Friendly. Since her retirement as an RN, she has served the Texas Assisted Living Association as a trainer for Assisted Living managers all over the state of Texas.
Because of her background in nursing, area of her work with DFFW of particular interest to Linda is working to see nursing and other healthcare professionals graduate with an awareness and understanding of dementia so that they are better provide dementia-capable care for those with dementia until there is a cure.
Her greatest joy in working with Dementia Friendly Fort Worth has been the development of weekly dementia friendly Chapel service, now offered virtually. Through this virtual chapel service, it is possible for people living with dementia and their care partners to continue to enjoy worship with familiar hymns and Scripture in a comfortable environment. She has just completed a Dementia Friendly Chapel Toolkit, available on the DFFW website (DementiaFriendlyFW.org), making is possible for others to offer such a service to meet the spiritual needs of their residents, families, and friends living with dementia.
Linda and her husband Jim have been married for 52 years. Linda worked as an RN in Assisted Living communities for 20 years of her career. She also served alongside her husband, Jim who is a retired United Methodist Minister. She and Jim have 2 grown sons, who have families of their own. They especially enjoy spending time with their 4 granddaughters.
Topic: “Health Maintenance Activities”

Michael Crowe
Michael Crowe is a partner with Husch Blackwell, L.L.P. in Austin, Texas.
He advises healthcare providers on administrative law, government investigations, mergers and acquisitions, governance and public policy. Mike’s clients include local governments and healthcare providers and professionals, with a focus on the post-acute and long-term support services industry. His relationship with the Assisted Living industry began in 1997 when he served as the director of the Texas Senate’s Interim Committee on Home Health and Assisted Living Facilities.
Michael graduated from the University of Texas School of Law in 1991. He serves on the board of directors of the Texas Assisted Living Association and the Mothers Milk Bank of Austin and is the leader of Husch Blackwell’s post-acute care initiative.
Topic: “Resident Agreement Terminations, Discharges, and Evictions”

Misty Miller
Misty Miller is Chief Operating Officer at Civitas Senior Living, where she supports its mission, vision, and culture by identifying areas of opportunity and growth, overseeing strategic initiatives, performing risk management, and ensuring Civitas communities have the necessary resources to provide high quality services and superior customer service.
Misty discovered her passion for seniors and healthcare at a young age when she watched her mother perform her duties as a private duty caregiver. Watching how her mother became part of her patient’s family, coupled with the wonders of the human body and medicine, ignited her passion for senior living.
She has worked in senior living her entire career in roles such as Director of Nursing, Regional Health Services Director, and Vice President of Clinical Services. Misty joined Civitas as Chief Wellness Officer in 2018 because she loved how the company’s values aligned so closely to her own and how its people were forward thinking and always looking for opportunities for improvement. She is known for her work ethic and dedication to making Civitas a great place for its residents and staff through optimal quality of life.
Misty is a Registered Nurse and holds an MS in Nursing with an emphasis on leadership and development from Western Governors University in Salt Lake City. She is Director of Nursing Services Certified and a Certified Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Trainer, Assisted Living Administrator, and Dementia Practitioner. She is involved with various Texas Assisted Living Association (TALA) clinical and public policy workgroups and a member of the Alzheimer’s Association. When she’s not working with Civitas to set high standards and improve the senior living industry as a whole, Misty enjoys yoga, weightlifting, listening to audio books, and spending quality time with her family.
Topic: “Disaster Preparedness Concerns for Nurses”

Paul J. Williams
Paul J. Williams currently serves as the Vice President of Professional Development and Education for Argentum. Founded in 1990, Argentum is the leading national trade association serving companies that own, operate, and support professionally managed senior living communities in the United States. Paul concurrently serves as the Vice President of Government Relations and Executive Director of the Senior Living Certification Commission (SLCC), an independent 501(c)(6) organization created by Argentum to administer senior living certifications.
Paul previously served as the Executive Director of the Florida Assisted Living Association. He is a certified association executive (CAE) and a member of the American Society of Association Executives. He has also earned the (IOM) designation from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for Organizational Management. He is an officer in the U.S. Navy (Reserve Component) where he serves in a public affairs capacity. He earned his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from Florida State University and is a graduate of the United States Defense Information School (Public Affairs Officer Qualification Course).
Topic: Argentum Update

Stephen Popovich
Stephen Popovich, an innovator in the data communications field, has more than 30 years of experience in executive management, enterprise sales, operations, and marketing. He has been named Fellow to the Texas A&M University (TAMU) Center for Population Health and Aging (CPHA), and is a frequent speaker on elder care technology and trends.
Steve has founded or been the first employee of three companies that have been successfully acquired by public companies:
Local Data - acquired by Andrew Corporation LAN Access Corporation - acquired by Digi International Inside Out Networks - acquired by Digi International.
His commercial innovations include both business operational innovations in quality control and manufacturing; and technology innovations in multi-protocol connectivity, USB connectivity, IoT and sensor products, medical device products, and medical device to EHR connectivity. Technology innovations include RFID, gateway, cellular, UWB, and cloud (SaaS).
Prior to founding Clairvoyant Networks, Popovich, a serial entrepreneur, co-founded and was CEO of Inside Out Networks™ of Austin, Texas. His company, founded in 1997, established him as a pioneer and leader in mission critical connectivity technologies with his products used in medical, military, and other critical commercial applications.
He successfully sold the Inside Out Networks to Digi International in October, 2000 and became responsible for Business Development for Digi's enterprise applications involving Machine To Machine (M2M) connectivity and Internet of Things (IoT) cloud based applications called The Social Machine.
In 2015, a family member of Steve's was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Naturally, he looked for the enabling technology for Alzheimer's caregiving. What was available was point solutions that solved one aspect of the problem, but were not interconnected or interoperable, and very difficult for family caregivers to use. Because of the lack of useful technology for caregivers that leverages the latest in technology advancements, he left Digi to found Clairvoyant Networks LLC to improve the lives of those aging in place, in independent living, and seniors with memory care needs, and those who care for them. Particular consideration and focus is placed on their loved ones and professional care providers by implementing simple to use, cost effective, IoT based solutions and services. These solutions include sensors, wearables communication hardware, cloud connectivity, streamlining analytics, and natural language programmed systems. These solutions support a continuum of care with scalable, easy to use and affordable technology that can be used in any living situation from in-home to senior communities to SNF and hospitals.
Topic: “New Technology and How it Helps Increase Revenue, Lower Costs and Mitigate Risk”
Infection Control and Disaster Preparedness Panelists

Finding the Gems Panelists