TALA in the News

December 3, 2024 

Texas Assisted Living Association President &  CEO Diana Martinez quoted.


December 1, 2024 

Texas Assisted Living Association VP of Public Policy Carmen Tilton quoted.


July 16, 2024 

Texas Assisted Living Association President & CEO Diana Martinez quoted.

Texas power grid leaves some assisted living communities without power for days, raising questions for the future - McKnight's Senior Living (mcknightsseniorliving.com)

June 19, 2024 

Texas Assisted Living Association VP of Public Policy Carmen Tilton quoted.


June 17, 2024 

Texas Assisted Living Association President & CEO Diana Martinez quoted.

Report from task force to address healthcare worker shortage coming in October (mcknightsseniorliving.com) 

June 5, 2024 

Texas Assisted Living Association President & CEO Diana Martinez quoted.

‘Great confirmation’ — most assisted living residents satisfied in Texas - McKnight's Senior Living 

February 21, 2024 

TALA’s $46 Million ARPA Funding Win Bolstered by Federal Advocacy - Argentum

August 3, 2023

Texas Assisted Living Association Workforce Development Advisor Rose Saenz Interviewed.

Rose Saenz on staff consistency, operations technology, and avoiding acuity drift.

June 28, 2023

Texas Assisted Living Association VP of Public Policy Carmen Tilton quoted.


June 1, 2023

Texas Assisted Living Association VP of Public Policy Carmen Tilton quoted.

As hurricane season begins, power outages at senior living facilities remain concern.

May 17, 2023

Texas Assisted Living Association quoted.

Texas bills impacting nursing homes, residents rights inch toward passage (kxan.com)

May 8, 2023

Texas Assisted Living Association President & CEO Diana Martinez mentioned.


May 3, 2023

Texas Assisted Living Association VP of Public Policy Carmen Tilton quoted.


April 13, 2023

Belmont Village Senior Living's Employees Win Texas Assisted Living Association (TALA) Hero Award

Belmont Village Senior Living's Employees Win Texas Assisted Living Association (TALA) Hero Award - Benzinga

April 10, 2023

Texas Assisted Living Association VP of Public Policy Carmen Tilton quoted.

Administrator, staff dementia training, exam proposed for assisted living - News - McKnight's Senior Living (mcknightsseniorliving.com)

February 12, 2023

Texas Assisted Living Association President & CEO Diana Martinez quoted.

Opinion: Texas leaves elderly residents at risk during power outages (statesman.com)

February 8, 2023

Texas Assisted Living Association President & CEO Diana Martinez quoted.

Austin Energy: Senior living facilities must register for priority power restoration | KXAN Austin

November 18, 2022

Texas Assisted Living Association VP of Public Policy Carmen Tilton quoted.

Texas woman calls off search for dad.

November 16, 2022

Texas Assisted Living Association helped secure pandemic funding.

States need to step up with pandemic relief funding, Argentum tells governors.

September 7th, 2022

Texas Assisted Living Association President and CEO Diana Martinez speaks with McKnight’s Senior Living.

53 percent of Texas assisted living communities don’t have backup generators, state survey finds

September 6th, 2022

Texas Assisted Living Association President and CEO Diana Martinez quoted.

Assisted living quality of care study raises concern among industry experts

December 28, 2021:

TALA’s President and CEO, Diana Martinez, was interviewed by the Dallas Morning News about the coming surge.

North Texas nursing homes prepare for COVID-19 surge amid national staff shortage

November 3, 2021:

TALA’s VP of Public Policy Carmen Tilton quoted.

TALA’s Carmen Tilton was asked about the impact of Proposition 6 on long-term care communities

November 2, 2021:

Advocate says Proposition 6 could create confusion around visitation rules in assisted living facilities - State of Reform | State of Reform

October 21, 2021:

Long-term care providers win fight for $400 million in COVID-19 relief to address workforce shortages - News - McKnight's Senior Living (mcknightsseniorliving.com)

October 13, 2021:

Opposition Grows as Texas Republicans try to upend vaccine mandates.

August 3, 2021: Carmen Tilton, Texas Assisted Living Association Vice President of Public Policy, told McKnight’s Senior Living that Governor Abbott’s executive order doesn’t change current policy for assisted living operators.

Complying with state COVID-related measures can be tricky for senior living operators - News - McKnight's Senior Living (mcknightsseniorliving.com)

July 29th, 2021: TALA VP of Workforce Development, Rose Saenz speaks with McKnights Senior Living regarding a recent survey titled Exploring Retention conducted by the TALA Workforce Development Committee. Findings of the survey highlight what caregivers value most offering insights for managers to explore.

July 16th, 2021: TALA President, Diana Martinez speaks with McKnights Senior Living regarding the language that impacts assisted living in legislative bills in response to an accused serial killer in Dallas-area senior living communities.


TALA’s President interviewed on KXAN about taking loved ones out of communities.


COVID-19 News– TALA, March 25, 2020

HHSC Waivers

The Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Long-term Care Regulatory (LTCR) has issued a Provider Letter for assisted living communities and related professions.

PL 2020-23 Guidance on COVID-19 Response in Assisted Living Facilities (ALF) Note: Replaces PL 20-13
PL 2020-21 Suspension of Certain LTCR Requirements during COVID-19 Outbreak

Restrictive Visitor Policies

Long-term care communities are under new direction to significantly limit visitors to their communities and any potential outings by residents. Assisted Living Providers received Provider Letter PL 20-23, and Governor Greg Abbott mentioned similar restrictions in his March 19th Executive Order #3. The provider letter invokes Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 247, Section 247.064(d), which says that a resident’s right to visitation can be restricted in order to protect the health and safety of residents.

If a resident leaves the community for any reason and then returns, the resident must be screened and temperature checked. If the resident fails any portion of the screen, the resident may be allowed to return but should be kept in isolation per the CDC’s protocol.

Requesting Personal Protective Equipment

Responding to COVID-19 has put an enormous strain on the country’s supply of personal protective equipment (PPE), including N95 masks, gloves and gowns. Because of the national shortage and prioritization of PPE to acute care settings, long-term care facilities are feeling the pinch. HHSC has an informative website (https://hhs.texas.gov/about-hhs/communications-events/news/2020/03/resources-ltc-providers-request-ppe) specifically for long-term care providers. All communities must attempt to purchase necessary PPE through private distributors. Save copies of emails and responses, because the documentation will be necessary for requesting any PPE from the strategic national stockpile.

The Department of State Health Services is utilizing the state’s 22 Regional Advisory Councils to manage PPE shortages. Assisted Living Communities may request PPEs from their local RACs (find contact information here: https://dshs.texas.gov/emstraumasystems/etrarac.shtm). Long-term care providers need to use the State of Texas Assistance Request (STAR) process, and prioritization for PPE distribution.

The Center for Disease Control put out advice for medical providers regarding the conservation of PPE. Find that information here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/ppe-strategy/index.html

Changes for Nurses

Governor Greg Abbott has announced several initiatives to increase the pool of nurses able to respond to COVID-19. The Texas Board of Nursing has a webpage dedicated to the changes (https://www.bon.texas.gov/COVID-19.asp).

AARP report on assisted living response to Hurricane Harvey is 'misleading and unfair,' groups say

(McKnight's Senior Living - August 8, 2018)

A new report that is critical of Texas assisted living operators' preparedness and response to Hurricane Harvey in 2017 is misleading to the public and insulting to industry workers, according to associations representing assisted living operators in the Lone Star State. [read more]

Reaching the wrong conclusions after Hurricane Harvey

(Trib Talk - September 5, 2018)

When Hurricane Harvey ravaged the Gulf Coast last year, we saw how Texans from all walks of life came together. The efforts throughout the state to take care of those who needed it most reinforced our faith in humanity and the role we can play in helping one another. [read more]