Texas has a regulation (553.253 (a)(2)(B)) which allows a manager who can show documentation of a previously completed comparable course of study to be exempt from the 24-hour training requirements. Someone coming from another state can probably show that the 16 hours administrative overview is comparable.
Keep in mind that many of the rules in (a)(2) are specific to ALFs. So, the ones that might be comparable would be “basic principles of management, food and nutrition services, federal laws, with an emphasis on accessibility requirements under the ADA, ethics and financial management”.
The new manager would need to be able to prove the courses are comparable. The title and or course description needs to be clear that it would be comparable. This is what a surveyor would probably look for. All the information will need to be in her/his personnel file.
TALA suggests any person coming in from out of state take the 8 hours of Texas regulations. We don’t see how someone coming from another state or with from a nursing home background could have a comparable course.
553.253 Employee Qualifications and Training (a) (2)
(A) The course must be at least 24 hours in length.
(i) A manager must complete eight hours of training on the Assisted Living standards within the first three months of employment.
(ii) The 24-hour training requirement may not be met through in-services at the facility, but may be met
through structured, formalized classes, correspondence courses, training videos, distance learning programs, or off-site training courses. All training must be provided or produced by academic institutions, Assisted Living corporations, or recognized state or national organizations or associations. Subject matter that deals with the internal affairs of an organization will not qualify for credit.
(iii) Evidence of training must be on file at the facility and must contain documentation of content, hours, dates, and provider.
(B) A manager who can show documentation of a previously completed comparable course of study are
exempt from the training requirements.
(C) A manager must complete the training required by subparagraph (A) or (B) of this paragraph, as
applicable, by the first anniversary of employment as manager.
(D) An Assisted Living manager who was employed by a licensed Assisted Living facility as the manager and
changes employment to another licensed Assisted Living facility as the manager, with a break in employment
of no longer than 30 days, is exempt from the 24-hour training requirement.